
Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday, The Flu & An Award

Well, Monday is over.  Isn't that always a great feeling?  It was kind of an extra bummer of a Monday, though, because 6 of my kids were gone today!!! I only have 15 this year, so that's over a third of my class (impressive math skills, huh?).  It's obvious that the nasty flu monster had made it to our classroom.  First thing this morning we cleaned up our classroom and disinfected because I wanted to try to make sure those of us that are healthy STAY that way.  We went on with a semi-regular day, even though were missing so many.  **I see a lot of re-teaching in my very near future.**  I'm keeping my finger crossed that most of my lovelies are feeling better tomorrow (although I must say I could get used a class of 9- what a breeze!!!).  
So, what do you do when so many are gone?  

Andrea at Cheers to School was super-sweet and gave me my very first award this weekend.  She awarded me with the One Lovely Blog award.  Thanks, Andrea.  

Here are the rules: 
1. Link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Pass the award onto 15 other lovely bloggers.
3. Follow the person who sent it to you :)

I decided to make my fab 15 other new bloggers!  This is a great collection of newbies! =)  
I'm sure they would love some new followers!


  1. Thanks for stopping by and showing my page some love! I'm now following you as well! Seems like we have been teaching first for the same amount of years! I also taught kindergarten my first year. :) My heart is and always will be in first!

    1. 1st grade rocks, doesn't it??? I can't imagine teaching anything else now.

  2. Erin! Thanks girlfriend..I'm so happy to receive the LOVELY award, that was very sweet!
    I loved Dr. Seuss Day :) also! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!
    I'm also following you on Pinterest! (so addicting).. Have a great week & stay away from the germs!

    1. I <3 Pinterest!
      Can't wait for spring so we can all be healthy again!

  3. Thanks! So happy you found me! :) I had a lot missing today, too--4 and then 2 of them came in a third of the way through today. I have 21 so I guess the percentage is not that high, but I usually have perfect attendance so it's super noticeable to me. I hate having to reteach, especially when the concepts are new. If there won't be much review--just building upon these concepts, I make a note that I will need to pull a small group when they return, or to pull them for individual conferences if they come back sporadically. It's not easy, but it's so essential to me that they get these basic concepts.

    1. That's exactly what I do when I have kids come back. With this round of the flu it seems like the kids are missing almost a week- so it's been hard to keep up with make-ups and re-teaching. Dreaming of spring!!!

  4. Thank you soooo much for the award! You are fab like your blog! We are following you!

    3 Teacher Chicks

  5. Thank you so much for the award! You are soo cute! We are totally following you now too! Also, I would love to have a class of 9 for a day. Right now I have 19, which is the smallest class I've ever had! Soo 9 would be a dream!

    ~ Katie
    First Grade ABCs

    1. I had 26 kiddos last year, so most of this year has been a dream- but having only 9 was crazy good (at least until the make-ups start!).

  6. Wow, Erin! You really made my Monday - it was a tough one! Thanks for checking my blog out and giving me an award, you know how much they mean to us new bloggers! I will be sure to spread the love, and check out the other blogs you mentioned...and I'm your newest follower!
    Mrs. Castro's Class 2nd Grade...Spanglish Style

    1. Yes- it's nice to know other people are actually reading what I'm putting out there. =)

  7. Just found your blog! I love your title "First with Franklin" it really caught my attention! I'm a new follower! :)

    Creating & Teaching
    Creating & Designing

  8. Yay! Thank you for the award!

    Fit for First Grade

    1. You're welcome! We did the same green eggs you girls did- and I must say the kids were braver than I was. I couldn't make myself eat them! LOL

  9. Thanks so much for the award! It made my day!

    Tickled to Teach

    1. Good deal- you got it several times! Congrats!!!
