
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Linky for Newbies (like me!)

I was super excited to see that my new blog had been mentioned by a fellow teacher and blogger.  While getting this started I often feel like I'm just writing for myself, so it was pretty cool to see someone else mention my blog!  Leea at Set This Circus Down is having a Linky Party to give new blogger some great pointers and encouragement.  She's also giving away a $25 Amazon gift card for those who spread the love. :)

To enter, just follow this link to her blog- you can get 3 entries!! So, go...... NOW! 

Here is another giveaway from Mrs. Poland at Think, Wonder, & Teach.  She has 50 followers now- CONGRATS!  She is giving any either a super adorable bottle cap keychain or a $10 Target gift card to a lucky winner.  Good luck!


  1. Hi! I just found your blog through the link party! Welcome to the blogging world! I'm you're newest follower and I'm a newbie too :)

    Cheers to School

  2. I just found the new blog linky and love it! I am planning on visiting everyone and since you are #1... here I am!

    Mrs Poland
    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  3. I almost forgot! I just gave you a little sweet award! Hop over to my blog to check it out!

    Cheers to School

  4. Hi erin - Great blog -- so cute! So glad I found you. I can't wait to check out all your great ideas! I recently posted pics from our Dr. Seuss Day you should come check it out when you get a chance. :o) I'm your newest follower!
    Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After

  5. Hey girl,
    Just saw you got a cameo, I got one for Christmas, wanted to share my pinterest board devoted to the subject..... also drop me an email so I have a fellow IL'ner blogger's info :)
