
Friday, March 9, 2012

The Dot

Our story this week in our reading series was one of my favorites, The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds.  We did several different activities for this story, including the one I'm going to talk about today.  (I hope to post later this weekend about the writing we did to go along with the story.  They turned out so cute!)
Today, we took some time to make numbers sentences during our math time.  The kids didn't look overly enthused when I gave them this news until I said the magic word.....STICKERS!  I gave each students a sheet of large dot stickers and one sheet of mini dots.  I started out by making up a story about our students of the day that went something like this:  "Princess Pea (not her real name ;-) ) had two hair bows, then her sister gave her three more bows.  How many bows does she have now?"  The students put two stickers on the paper and then drew a line straight down.  I taught them to draw a line straight down when drawing addition pictures to help my little lovelies know where their plus sign belongs.  After the line straight down they added three more stickers to the other side.  Then, we wrote our number sentence.

We did the first two problems together and then I turned them loose.  They LOVED this activity!  As I walked around the room it was so cute overhearing them talking to themselves.  Even though I didn't tell them they had to make up stories to go along with their pictures, almost every student was doing just that. When we planned this activity I assumed they would use up all their stickers before they even got the page filled.  Boy, was I wrong!  I ended up making a quick run to office so that they could all have a second paper.  Apparently, stickers are so special that they wanted to stretch out the fun time.  

It was nice to take a day off from our regular math routine.  Did you do any fun Friday math activities?

And guess what finally arrived at the end of the day today????? The Cameo I ordered- I'm sooooooo beyond excited!  I can't wait to start making stuff for my classroom.  Once I figure this thing out I think I'll have a giveaway, so stay tuned!  Feel free to pass on any great ideas you have for it! (and please ignore the messy, messy table)


  1. I have no idea what a Cameo is, but I love the idea of a giveaway! Great idea with the stickers! Last week, we did "sweet math". Each kid gets a popsicle stick with a plus sign drawn onto it and 10 red hots. I call out number stories like the one you posted and then they create the number sentence using the red hots on either side of the popsicle stick. After "sweet math" is over, they can eat them! A lot of the kids this year did not like the red hots and found them too spicy, so I will probably use sweet tarts next week to practice subtraction stories. Despite the dislike for spicy, they definitely love the activity.

    1. Good idea using them with popsicle sticks! That would be a good way to get them lined up like we do on our regular math papers.

  2. p.s. I have a Top 10 award for you on my blog in response to the one you awarded me! If you don't have it already, grab it!!

  3. Cute! They do love stickers.

    We do a lot of math with story mats and different seasonal manipulatives (usually something they can eat!) With Easter coming up with will probably use jellybeans and pretend they are Easter eggs.

    Heather's Heart

    1. Great ideas! We usually do compound words with Easter eggs. We hide the eggs and each students find one egg. They have to find the student that has the other half of the compound word. :)

  4. Hi girl! You won my giveaway contest. Email me at so I can send you my Baseball All Star file. Congrats!
