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First with Franklin

Monday, August 13, 2012

Reading Street Review Sheets + Freebies

It's almost that time!!!  My kiddos start back on Thursday.  Our reading series is Reading Street and the first grade curriculum starts with a review unit.  This seems pretty helpful for my firsties, but I do go through it much more quickly than they suggest.  This year, we will be doing the review stuff for the first 2-3 weeks.  Since I'm teaching a combo class this year (1st/2nd) I am planning on also doing a review unit with my second graders.  I'm hoping by easing into things it will give us a chance to learn our Daily 5 schedule and get into a bit of a routine.
I feel like I'm finally starting to be able to wrap my head around how I'm going to teach two grades at the same time.  I actually am getting really excited about it and I think it will be a great experience for my students.  I spent a good amount of time yesterday making some review worksheets that I think my first graders will be able to complete independently while I'm teaching 2nd grade.  I wanted to share them with you (for FREE, of course!).  These do go along with the Kindergarten Reading Street curriculum, but I think it could work for all first graders.  Here is a peak at what is included.

Click here to download them for FREE! Update:  I noticed that I had "circle the letter", when it should have said "circle the word".  I also added the rest of the alphabet letter.  
The downloadable file is corrected.  :)

I also have this powerpoint that I do with the kids during our kindergarten review.  There is a slide for each letter, along with links to websites for extra activities and practice.  I used this with my class last year and my kids loved it!  If you don't have the same fonts on your computer that I used, you might have to adjust things a little.  You should be able to download it here, if you have problems with it, just leave me your email address and I'd be happy to send it you.  

I'm hoping to get a version of this done for second grade, but I'm not sure it will get finished.  The good news is, I have all of my other powerpoint from last year, so I can use those if I have to.  I'm also going to have the kids use our iPad and iPods a lot to review- probably mostly with the SpellingCity app and Teach Me.
Are you ready to go back?  Do you review at the beginning of the year or just dive right in?Pin It


  1. I read this post and I was curious if you have any other resources for teaching 1/2 combo class with reading street curriculum? I am a 3rd year teacher, school starts next week and I just found out that I am teaching a 1/2 combo class. I would love to utilize any resources you have. If you have any advice about teaching both grade levels with this reading street curriculum, I would love to hear that also. Thanks!

  2. It sounds like your students will benefit from this structured start.
