
Monday, April 9, 2012

TOMORROW and I've been tagged

Tomorrow is our first day back after spring break and I. Don't. Wanna. Go.   It's not that I don't love my job (I really do!), but I hate getting up by alarm and I have gotten spoiled this week by getting to see my husband everyday.  Right now, he's on evening shift (3-11pm) and I only get to see him on the weekends, so I've been really enjoying getting to spend time with him.  I just keep telling myself that it is only for another month or so.  I am looking forward to see my little ones tomorrow though- they are always so excited to tell me all about their trips and adventures.  

On another note, I have finished reading The Daily 5 book for the first time.  I'm sure I will have to read it a few more times before I'm totally ready to implement it, but luckily I have plenty of time to do that.  I also want to get ahold of The CAFE and read it.  Tonight, while watching How I Met Your Mother, I decided to start working on some Daily 5 posters.  I got going and then realized that I wanted some different clipart for it.  Now, I love Scrappin Doodles clipart, but it seems like I've seen it on a bunch of different things, and I want something different.  Has anyone seen any others that go along with Daily 5?  Here are the posters, so far.  I will be sure to post them after I add it in the clipart.  

I also found out that I was tagged by Mrs. M over at The Daily Cupcake.  

Okay so here are the rules: 
Post these rules ( I almost forgot this part! )     
 Answer the 10 questions posted for you.
Create 10 questions that you want to ask people that you will be tagging.
Tag ten people and link them with your post. Don't forget to let them know that they've 
been tagged!

Here are her questions:

1.  Coffee, tea or soda?  Coffee, although I rarely drink caffeine anymore
2.  How long have you been teaching? What grades? This is my fifth year of teaching.  My first was in Kindergarten and the past 4 have been in 1st. 
3.  When do you do most of your blog posts (evenings, weekends, mornings?) Weekends or evenings- I barely get to school on time most mornings! =)
4.  What's in your teacher bag? What isn't?  My wonderful mother-in-law got me the large utility tote from 31 and I LOVE it!
5.  If you were not teaching the grade level you currently are what grade level or special area would you like to teach? Why? I would like to become a reading specialist if I couldn't teach first grade. 
6.  What was the last teaching conference or workshop that you attended? A great in-service on iPods in the classroom
7.  Do you work with any other teacher bloggers? Nope, although I'm not sure any of them know I blog yet. 
8.  What made you decide to start your own blog? I love being able to share ideas and connect with other teachers. 
9.  What do you like to read when you are not reading teaching related material? I love to read almost any kind of book, I just finished the Game of Thrones series and now I'm reading the Stephanie Plum books.  
10.   What is one tip you would have for a new teacher? Don't be afraid to ask questions!

I was also tagged by Danielle at Twirlybird Teaching
1. Chocolate or Vanilla?  Chocolate
2. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Starbucks
3. Favorite movie? Don't have one- I can't stand to watch any movie more than once
4. If you were stranded on a deserted island what 3 things would you hope to have with you?  my husband, iPhone, wine  
5. Do you have any pets?  If so, what kind? My two German Shepherd furbabies- Patton & Keva
6. Heels or flats?  flats- I wear TOMS almost everyday
7. What is your least favorite thing about teaching? the paycheck and feeling like I don't have enough time to do everything I want/need to with my students
8. Best Professional Development you have had is..... the last one I attended- iPods in the classroom
9. Funniest thing a student has asked or said to you... Will you marry my dad? 
10. If you were given 1 million dollars what would you do with it? move to beach!

Now, here are the questions I came up with for my taggies:
1.  Did you always want to become a teacher?
2.  PC or Mac?
3.  What is your favorite TV show?
4.  What is your favorite lesson/activity to do with your students?
5.  What color are your eyes?
6.  If you were given $10,000 for your classroom what would you do with it?
7.  How long have you been blogging?
8.  Where would you most like to vacation?
9.  Favorite guilty pleasure?
10.  What is the first thing you do when you get home from school?

Can't wait to see what these wonderful bloggers have to say about my questions.
So, tag - YOU'RE IT!!!!!

Okay, I give up trying to find someone else that hasn't been tagged- every time I go somewhere they've been tagged.  Hope you enjoy these 7! =)


  1. thanks for your help on the currently project. I'm still working on it, maybe by next month, I had no idea I was this inept.

    Anyway, thanks and I like the bangs.

  2. Love your daily 5 signs! Can't wait to see the finished product. I'm your newest follower.

