
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Daily 5

I'm pretty sure that I'm the last teacher on the planet not using Daily 5 in my classroom.  (Well, that's not true because no one that I work with uses it either, but still.)  I started reading the book today and I love it so far!  I've read so much about it on other blogs that I was already pretty convinced I wanted to try it for next year, but now I'm SURE I want to use it.  
One obstacle that I see in my future is the fact that our school uses Accelerated Reader.  I'm not really sure how to use Daily 5 and AR together.  Right now, all of the books in my classroom library are sorting by AR reading levels.  My kiddies LOVE (and I mean LOVE) AR because they earn prizes for # of books read in my classroom.  So, when I implement Daily 5 should I focus on letting students use IPICK for all their own reading and just not worry about the AR level?  HELP!!!  I need some guidance from some of you wonderful teachers that have already solved this problem.  THANKS!!!!

Oh, and today I got bangs.  I'm still not sure what I think of them, but I think they're growing on me some.  What do you think?


  1. I like the bangs!

    I have seen people write about using AR and Daily 5. I'll look around and get back to you. Try it out. You can make it work in your classroom however you like. I have loved it, but feel slowed down right now as the end of the year is coming and I feel like I need to know more about the specifics my kids need for assessments etc.

    First in Maine

  2. I teach K in a school that uses AR for first grade on up. I know with my own children they were always allowed to choose their own books once they met their goal. You could try letting them choose IPICK books as a reward once they meet their goal. For my kinders they have a guided reading assigned book and they "shop" for their own books for their book boxes. Just an idea =) Also, I read the Daily 5 and Cafe books about 2 years ago and have been slowly implementing aspects from both books that seem to work for me. Each year I seem to be able to add more and plan on continuing with a few revisions next year. Hope this helps!

  3. FIRST, I got bangs this last week too! A big change, but fun! You look super cute!
    SECOND, in my class when we do Ipick, it's all about teaching students to choose the right level. AR will fit into that concept really well. PLUS it sounds like your library is already leveled and organized so it will be easy for them to find books at their level! ALSO, most teachers I know don't stick to the Daily 5 rotations religiously, you have to make it work for you. You could easily work taking the quizzes into your rotations - ie students know that during their read to self time if they finish a book they can take a quiz. Hope that helps! Just go for it! You'll work it out as you go...I posted how I organize my rotations on my blog, you can check that out if it helps...Good luck!
    Mrs. Castro's Class 2nd Grade...Spanglish Style

  4. We don't do AR, but I agree that you should be able to do IPick from their levels, or if you want you could say they can pick from their level and one additional book of their choice.

    I also recommend Reading With Meaning as an additional fantastic literacy book!

  5. Thanks everyone! I'm glad I was on the right track with my thinking. Can't wait to finish the rest of the book!

  6. Okay, I checked it out. Mrs. Nunley over at First Grade Magic does Daily 5 and AR. Check it out.

    First in Maine

  7. Hi Erin! You are definitely not the last one - none in my building are doing the Daily 5. Although that is the buzz word right now and I think our principal is getting us some resources on it because we are starting MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) next year. I think it is a Kansas thing, but requires 90 minutes uninterrupted language arts instruction, 30 minutes tier II, and another 30 tier III. Lots of changes in store for us and some think the Daily 5 would help us make it work. Anyway, we do AR too so I'm checking out First Grade Magic's link too.

    Love the bangs!


  8. Love the bangs! I am rockin them too right now! :)


    Apples and ABC's

  9. Uugh...I just hit "publish" on my tag blog post. I tagged you and was visiting here to let you know and I see that you just got tagged. =) Stop by my blog and you can see the questions.

  10. Hi!
    I'm your newest follower. I too have been reading a lot about the Daily 5. My school has not started with it yet either.

  11. 1. Bangs are super cute :)
    2. I am moving into the classroom after being a "specialist" for 10 years and am so in love with Daily 5. Can't wait to implement it this year! Although it kind of scares the heck out of me! But, as far as I know, only 1 teacher in our school district is using it!
    3. Thank you SO much for offering so much of what you make for free. In fact, everything I have downloaded from you has been free and I really appreciate it. I really hope my move back into the classroom isn't going to put me in debt!
    4. And lastly, as far as using AR and IPICK, could your students self-select books within their AR level? I am not familiar with AR, but that's what I was planning on doing with my books. I don't have enough for each student to have their own book bins, but I did level all of my books and planned on having my kiddos for now find a book on their level within the different genre boxes I have. Plus, they will always have a library book or two at their desk to work with.
    Anyway, love your site, your bangs, and your new Jeep! Thanks for all you do and share!!
