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First with Franklin

Sunday, January 13, 2013

MLK, Jr. Day & Random Acts of Kindness

Every year during Martin Luther King, Jr. week, my class also does Random Acts of Kindness.  Our goal is normally 100 RAK's by Valentine's Day.  I send home a letter to parents describing what RAK can look like at home and in the community.  Then, they can send me notes any time they see their child performing a RAK.  I love that parents are praising their children at home AND we also celebrate at school.  When parents send the notes, we write the student's name and RAK on a heart and hang it it in the hallway.
This year, I decided to cut out a step and we're sending home 10 hearts with each student.  If all students bring back all 10 hearts, we will easily surpass our goal.  In my note, I also tell parents to let me know if they need extra hearts.  It was one of those hard decisions for me.  Am I okay with all of the hearts not being perfectly uniform?  I decided yes... because I probably spent over an hour last year writing on those darn things.  Plus, I think they will mean more to the students.  <3
I have a really cute letter that goes along with it, but I borrowed some of the language from another sweet blogger and now I can't remember who it was.  If you do a project like this, please let me know so I can give you credit!

Along with our RAK activity, I also made this new pack for MLK, Jr. week.  You can find it on TpT for just $3.

Hope you enjoy! If you do download and enjoy it, please pin it!  Thanks!

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wowzers! & Parent Communication Pack

How much have I missed?  We have had some craziness going on in our lives, so I haven't had much time for the blog world.... and oh, how I have missed you!  I have barely even been creating things for my own classroom.  Thank goodness I follow so many great teachers on TpT!
Our school got a new evaluation system this year, and it requires us to keep a ton of paperwork on file. One big part of our new tool is keeping track of parent communication.  I made a handy little log to keep me easily keep track of my communications.  They are free!  Click here.  Here is a an example:

Remember my classroom theme this year?  Our class ROCKS!  Well, I made these cute little "good news" notes to send home with students.  Want them?  They are also in the FREE pack!  Yeah!
Do you maybe have some students that didn't quite earn the "good news" note... maybe even need to do a little self-reflection?  Here is a little something for them.  I use these when students make some not so great choices.  I have created and use other forms in the past, but this is simple and to the point.  I now prefer it over my others.  It's also part of the FREE pack.  :)

I hope you enjoy these and maybe will forgive for being MIA for the past few months.  In case you missed my Facebook post (you do "like" me, right???), here is a link to my editable (in powerpoint) newsletter templates.  ~FREE!~  Enjoy!

If you do enjoy these things- please pin them and share the love! <3

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