
Sunday, September 23, 2012

What's better than a cute font? A FREE cute font (or 5!)

So, last time I posted I was saying how I was back from being MIA.  I lied.  Don't call the blog police on me... please!
This teaching two grades at once is kicking my behind.  Majorly.  Today, I spent 4 hours at school working and a couple more hours at home.  Just when I think I have the hang of it, I have to add something else to mix.  Ahhh!  Hopefully next year when I just teach one grade it will seem like a breeze.
Daily 5 is going really well for us so far- this is my first year implementing it.  We've made our Read to Self goal and we're almost to our Writing goal.  We're working on Read to Someone, but I haven't yet introduced Listening or Word Work.  I hope to add them in the next two weeks.  My kiddos are amazing me at what they are able to do so far!
Last week, I saw Rowdy is Room 300's post about iFontMaker for iPad.  I had been wanting to download this app forever, but I was hesitant because it was $7.  I'm cheap when it comes to apps, but since she gave it such a good review I decided I needed to check it out.
Here is what I have so far.  I've started another really fun one, but it's taking awhile.  I will post it when I'm finished.

You can click on the words under each picture to download them for free.  If you use it for anything, please link it back to me.  You can use it for free items, personal use, or commercial.  Hope you like them!


  1. I love new fonts! I will have to check out the ifont Maker app too. I too am cheap about apps, but this would be a fun one to have! Thanks for posting!

    Reading Toward the Stars!

  2. The fonts are great! Thank you for sharing.

    Kelly Teach

  3. Just found your blog & am your newest follower. You have such great stuff - thanks so much for sharing!! :) I'd love you to stop by sometime!

    First Grade Fairytales

  4. I have been considering this app for a while. I love what you've done with it! I might just have to download it, now that I can see how well it works. Thanks for sharing your creations!

    ★ First-Graders from Outer Space ★

  5. I'm so putting this app on my wish list! Your fonts are super cute!

    A Pirates Life for Us
