
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Locked Out!

Starting at noon today, I am locked out of my classroom until Tuesday morning.  I know that I'm very lucky to be able to work in my classroom all summer long, so I'm going to try to enjoy the few days off.  I am planning on using these next few days to spend some quality time with my husband and get some of my to-do list checked off.  I have pretty good to-do list going on:

  • design labels for students' book bins
  • design labels for students' tubs
  • put my "1st Grade Rocks!" poster together
  • get R.O.C.K.S.T.A.R. binders put together
  • cover my SmartBoard platform with carpet (which also means finding carpet)
  • laminating a million things 
  • entering Coke Rewards for school
  • and the list goes on!!!
I thought maybe typing out the list for everyone to see would help me get started... wish me luck! 
I looked at the calendar today and realized that I have exactly 3 weeks until my kiddos will be back at school.  It is always amazing how quickly the summers slips away!  The hardest thing for me is the day before the kids come back.  Our class lists aren't ever completely finalized until that day, so I'm always stuck with the decision to take my chances and label everything early or wait and label a thousand things in one day. 

I updated these labels- if you haven't downloaded them yet, now would be a good time!
I'm will attach them to the bins I showed you in this post.  (11 labels in all) Get them here.

So, when do you head back to school?  What is the most dreaded item on your to-do list? Mine is going to be a year long to-do... Common Core!  It's still stressing me out.  I did download Sassy in Second's Common Core Notebook from TpT and I'm hoping it will help me out some during this transition.   I love the idea of students having stickers to track our CC goals!  Who doesn't love stickers??? 

Anyone have any other great Common Core Resources to share?  

UPDATE:  There is something crazy happening- wet stuff is falling from the sky!  It's been so long since we've had rain that I almost forgot what it was like!  Yaaaayyy for rain!  


  1. Woohoo! Thanks for the shout out Erin! You are a sweetie! I love your blog and your bin labels! Thank you for sharing.-Yvonne (Sassy in Second)

    1. Thanks for stopping by- I'm hoping to really get into your notebook this week. I downloaded it and scanned through it, but I don't have it printed out yet. I'm trying to take Common Core slowly so I don't get too overwhelmed! :)

  2. Erin,
    Let me know if you like the Common Core notebooks or if it's overwhelming. It may be something I'd like to try but I'm on the fence!
    Erin :)
    Sample’s Superstars

    1. I will let you know- I hope to really get into this week. Time to buckle down!

  3. So I nominated you for an award that you have already received!! You can check it out on my blog at Starring in First Grade!

  4. I love the rockstar theme! I know your students will enjoy that :-)

    MrsMc from Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

    1. Thanks! I'm excited about having a theme this year! I'll be posting more labels to match this theme soon!
