
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Heading home and the LAST DAY to enter giveaway!!!

We are heading for the airport as I type this. We had a great week in Florida, but I am ready to be home. I think vacations always make me thankful for my own house- cant wait to sleep in my own bed and see my fur babies.

Have you entered the giveaway yet? If you haven't, do it NOW! I will be announcing the winner tomorrow. I have loved looking at everyone's freebies. I haven't commented on everyone's yet because I'm on my phone, but I will soon.

I will leave you with a few quick pictures. I have no idea where/how they will show up because I've never used the Blogger app to post before. I hope they are posted somewhere!y husband and nephew sword fighting, Seussville at Universal, adult night out, and heading for the airport. :)


  1. Just wanted to let you know I've given your blog an award!


  2. Just found your blog! Super cute! I'm a new follower. :)

    Lovin’ Kindergarten
