
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

100 Freebies Linky Party and Giveaway!

In honor of me reaching 100 followers, I'm putting some FREE things on here today.  These are things that I have made for my own classroom, for one reason or another.  A couple are things that I have posted before, but you may have missed.  Others are things that I haven't posted before.  These are some of my favorite things that I've made.  I hope you like them!  

Dr. Seuss Poster- get it here. 

Think Poster- get it here. 

UPDATE:I have to apologize.  I love to offer things for free on my website, but after reading (closely, this time) I realized that I'm breaking the rules...  I'm a little embarrassed and very apologetic.  To the makers of the graphics I've used and to you.  To sum it up- I can sell things that I make with the graphics, but I can't give them away for free.  Oops.  Whoops.  Sorry.  Really.  
So, here is what I decided to do.  I put several things together into one file for you and I'm only going to charge $2.  Hopefully this okay with you.  I really do apologize.  I would be more than happy to make small changes to any of my files to make them work perfectly for you and your classroom.  Find them here. 
Rock Deskplate- get it here. 

Crayon tub labels- get them here.

Backstage Pass (I plan to blog my plans for these later)- get them here. 

If you've followed me for awhile, you probably know that I'm all about the FREEBIES!  So, I'm hosting... 100 Freebies Linky Party!  I would love for you to join us!  My goal is to have 100 Freebies available for everyone!!!!  
Just choose your favorite freebie that you have made and link up with post with me!  I hope that this is a great way for everyone to get something for nothing! :)

Want to hear the best part about being part of my linky party???? One lucky blogger who linked up for a $20 Amazon gift card!!!  Who couldn't use that??  You can have up to 5 entries- one for following my blog, one for linking up, and three entries for blogging about the 100 Freebies Linky Party!!  So, what are you waiting for- link up now!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for stopping by. Make sure you come back tomorrow and link this post up to my Freebie LInky for International Blog Hopping Day with TBA. I will come back tomorrow and link that post to your linky too. :) I am your newest follower.
    <>< Crystal

    1. That sounds great- great minds think alike! I'll stop over tomorrow! :)
      Thanks for stopping by and good luck!

  2. Erin - what an awesome idea!!! I can't wait to see who and what gets linked up!

    Teaching Little Miracles

    1. Thanks! I was trying to come up with a good idea, and thought "Well, I love free stuff, so..."
      Thanks for stopping by and good luck!

  3. Love this idea! I linked to the page on my blog that has ALL my freebies! Enjoy!

    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

    1. Thanks for sharing your freebies- I just entered your contest, too! I hope I win!!!!

  4. Erin, I have an award for you! Come on over.
    - Amanda
    Inspired in Second

    1. Thank you, that's very sweet! Good luck in the giveaway!

  5. Congrats!!!!! I linked up my free kite craftivity :) Such a great idea!

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog! I linked up my freebie ;)

    All Students Can SHINE

  7. Hey Erin! What a fabulous idea for a linky party! Thanks for all of your awesome freebies. I especially LOVE the backstage pass for rockin behavior. I just linked up.


  8. Hey Erin! I hope you have a blast in Orlando. Just linked up. Loving your blog.
