Happi Papi is an app company that has several apps available for purchase (and free) right now.
They have introduced an App Evaluation Program for Schools so educators can download and try out apps before they are introduced. Once you fill out the educator form (click here), you will be ready to try out the next app released. When Happi Papi has an app that is ready to be test out, you will receive an email describing the app. If you decide the app is one you would like to try out you can click on the link provided to be added to the list. (There are only a certain number of spots available- so check your email regularly!) If you are added to list you will get an email a few days later with a promo to enter in the app store and be able to download it for free! Pretty cool, huh? To read more about, you can go Happi Papi's website.
Here is a picture of one of the apps that I purchased. Happi Spells is a great spelling app that my students are going to love. It is a great introduction to concept of crossword puzzles and incorporates some great basic words. In the top, left corner you can see a place to turn sounds on/off, switch between lower and uppercase letters, and get hints. There are also different levels available for lots of playtime! The app also states that additional levels will be available in future updates.
(Also, the graphics are super adorable and the little cow moo's every now and then!)
Click here to get this app! It's only $.99.
The program has no obligations, but if you do receive a code for an app you are encouraged leave them feedback on how it performs in a school setting. That's only fair, right?
I hope you enjoy this program! I have downloaded one trial app (a cute storybook and game) and I plan to use it with our Daily 5 Listening Station. I think the students will love it! I might have to purchase it for the rest of my devices. (You should only use the app on one device for free- please don't take advantage of this great program.)
The other app tip I want to share with you is another way you can possibly preview an app before purchasing. I have used this for a couple of higher priced apps with success! Some app developers are open to sending out promo codes that are good only for a certain period of time. All I did was send an email to the app developer asking if I could have a promo code to try out the app for a limited time. (I think both I got were 30 day trials.) If the developer has codes available you will receive an email with the promo code that you can enter in the app store an download the app for free.
The app will work as expected for a set period of time and when the trial is up you will have to purchase the app if you want to continue using it.
I probably wouldn't go through all of that for an app under 3 or 4 dollars, but one app I wanted to try was $10. It's worth a try and the worst that can happen is they say "no".
I probably wouldn't go through all of that for an app under 3 or 4 dollars, but one app I wanted to try was $10. It's worth a try and the worst that can happen is they say "no".
I think almost all teachers can relate to wanting/needing to save some money, so I hope these two tips help you out! I also blogged about Apps Gone Free, which is another great money saver. Click here to check it out. This made me smile when I saw it on Pinterest this week- and so very true! :)
Love the e card!! Thanks for the great app. I will have to check it out.