
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Exciting News!

Yesterday, we were informed that we would have an assembly at 9:30 this morning.  No big deal, I thought, we will just push back our center time a little and it will work out.  I asked what the assembly was about and my secretary told me it was on Summer Safety.  When we all got to the gym our Assistant Principal (and one of my BBFs) told us that the presenter was running late and we just needed to sit tight for a few minutes.  It felt a little like torture, but we managed to keep it together pretty well.  When the presenter finally arrived it was obvious that we weren't learning about Summer Safety because she was carrying a giant check!  We all knew that someone was winning something.  I haven't written any grants since mid-year, so I was excited to see who was winning something.  
When the presenter started talking she said her company made energy - and then said she was from Peabody Energy.  I then realized that I had been nominated for that grant by my superintendent earlier in the year.  I also knew that a friend of mine was also nominated, so I was really excited that one of us was going to be honored.  
When she said my name, I was sooooo excited and happy!  So, long story short, I was awarded $1000 for my classroom!  I am so pumped and trying to decide exactly how I want to spend it.  I think I'm going to purchase two more iPads for our classroom.  My students were so cute during the assembly.  They kept hugging each other and jumping up and down.  One students told me afterwards that I should buy a new house now! haha  Love my little ones so, so much. 
(Please ignore the unflattering picture- it's the only one there is!)

What would you do if you received $1,000 for your classroom????


  1. Lucky duck! Congrats. I think I would buy new books and a kidney table and an easel. If I could get enough money, I'd get a smartboard.

    First in Maine

  2. Wow! Good for you! That's a lot of mula! I would probably spend it all at Teachers Pay Teachers and on clip art and border! LOL!

    Lori (
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  3. Wow! What a wonderful surprise, congrats!

  4. I forgot to say what I'd get, I would probably spend it on kindles and a good easel. I hope you have sooooo much fun deciding what to get. Again, congrats.

  5. Yeah for you! :-) I have never applied for a grant. Feel like too much of a newbie, I guess. I wouldn't even know where to start!

    Hmmm...$1000...I like the iPad idea, but I would also like a huge rug.


  6. Congrats! That must have been so exciting! Your students are going to lovee the IPads!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade
