
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Not-So-Winter Weather and Currently

Can you believe that it is technically still winter???  We are having some majorly unseasonably warm weather- our area actually broke a record today.  Every day when we're doing calendar I giggle a little when we read the season.  Of course, now the kiddos think it's hilarious that we are sweating while we're reading "The season is winter..."
Yesterday, I wanted to be outside SOOOO badly because we had such gorgeous weather.  I decided to check and see if our iPad and iPods would get a signal on the playground and guess what?  They sure did!  So, we grabbed some books and headed out to read and take AR tests outside.  I told my students if they read quietly for 15 minutes I would let them play while they were waiting their turn to take their tests.  I don't think I've ever had a reading time where they worked so hard! =)
We made dinosaur hats today- doesn't this one kind of freak you out?  haha!

I love having an administrator that supports these spontaneous little moments we sometimes have.  Have you had a chance to head outside for any lessons this year?

Even though I'm a little late, I also linked up with Farley's March Currently.  =)


  1. I'm so jealous of your warm weather! The weather has been nuts around the country lately, though, I know. In Seattle, we rarely get snow and never, ever in MARCH! Wouldn't you know it's been snowing and hailing for 10 minutes at a time, interspersed with sunshine for the last two weeks. Crazy, I tell you!

    SUCH a great idea you had today to motivate them with play during testing. If we had more favorable weather, I'd try that out myself!

  2. Oh I would LOVE to have ipads for my classroom! I am a new follower. Love the dinosaur hats too.

    First Grade @ Klinger Cafe

  3. So jealous of the ipads in your room! I think it should be mandatory for every classroom! We are teaching 21st century learners after all!
    3 Teacher Chicks

  4. I'm your newest follower, glad I found your blog.

    First in Maine
