
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dr. Seuss Week

We had so much this week celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday.  Our primary team (K-4) got together and decided on themes for each day.  You can check out our daily themes below.  We also made banners for the hallway to keep with the theme.  

We made some super cute tongue twisters on Monday.  I need to get some pictures of the ones we did, but I will have to wait until Monday.  I got the idea from  Fun in First via Pinterest.  They turned out so stinking cute- I can't wait to show you!  We also let the kids make yellow paper mustaches on Wednesday for the Lorax and then took their pictures.  All of my little lovelies thought I had lost my mind when I broke out the iPad and started talking to them with a Lorax mustache.  They each got a turn and I think I laughed even more than they did! 
The Lorax is one of my favorites, so I decided to really go all out for it.  I made these adorable truffula trees for our hallway (complete with the Lorax).  The kids, teachers, and parents all commented on them, so I think they'll stay up for awhile longer.  I also let my students make smaller versions to take home with them.  Aren't they cute??? 

It was such a fun week filled with awesome activities.  We also made oobleck (cornstarch & water), ate green eggs and ham, read more books than I count and ended the week with an awesome birthday party in for Dr. Seuss.  The Cat in the Hat even made an appearance and read a story the kiddos!

Here are a couple of things I made for this fun week.  Feel free to use them!

Did you celebrate a Seuss-tastic week at your school?  If so, tell me what you did. 


  1. I love your Seuss Ideas, due to my mom going in the hospital I got to enjoy Monday pj day and Family Reading Night (14 hour day) so I've been loving what I see on the blogs ...Thanks for sharing :)

    Set This Circus Down

  2. Hi! I am new to blogging also! Love the Suess ideas. I am now a follower of your blog! come on over and check out my blog and become a follower!!


  3. Love the Seuss stuff. I'm your newest follower.

    First Grade Delight

  4. We did Lorax mustaches too and the kids LOVED it!!!


    Apples and ABC's

  5. I love all of your ideas and cute pictures! You now have one more new follower! =)

    I teach Firsties also! I would love for you to visit me when you get the chance...I have lots of *freebies*!

    Heather's Heart
