
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summers Off? and Two FREEBIES!

Do we really have summers off?  When I spend as much time in my classroom (and on the computer at home making things for my classroom) as I have over the past week, I sure don't feel like it!  I mean, I know that I'm very blessed to have the schedule that we have and I'm not complaining, but sometimes I wonder if I'm crazy.  
I've been working on some labels, charts and writing activities at 7home this week.  I also have starting putting together some bulletin boards at school, but I won't be able to finish them up until I get my class list.  
Our school uses Accelerated Reader as part of our reading program.  In my classroom, I don't use AR as a grade, just as an incentive.  This has worked very well as a great motivator for my students in the past.  I have always just used strips of poster board and wrote students names on them and let them put stickers on it.  Every time they passed 3 tests, they got to get a prize from the treasure chest.  Pretty simple and it worked.  For this year, I decided to make it a little cuter and fit with our Rockstar theme.  Here is what I came up with:  

I plan to print these off on neon colored card stock to make them really pop.  My students keep them in a pocket chart (I have a really cute hot pink one- I know you're jealous! haha) and will cover the stars and music notes with cute glittery stickers when they pass a test.  I still haven't decided how many tests I want them to pass in order to pick from the treasure chest.  Three seemed to be too easy this year, so I'm thinking of upping it to 6... or maybe keep it at three for their first card and making it tougher for each of their following cards.  Hmmmmm... 

My other freebie today is for our Daily 5 writing station.  I know we probably won't be using these for awhile, but I really want to do this with my students.  One of the options that I want to give them is to write a postcard or letter to a friend.  I plan to review these notes and then deliver them to their friend's mailbox.  I made these postcards for my students to use.  Printing them on card stock will make them seem like a really postcard.  The front was left blank so that students can decorate and design their own postcard.  Enjoy!

What have you been working on this summer?  I would also love to know if anyone has any cheap ideas for Daily 5 book bins?  I'm thinking about buying some cheap, reusable shopping bags.... do you think that would work?


  1. Thanks for the freebies!!! They are great!


    1. Glad you like them! Feel free to pin them! You've been busy at home this summer- I've been avoiding cleaning at home... lol!

  2. Hi Erin! Thanks for the freebies! I've been working on a new behavior clip chart, a job clip chart, and some D5 things too.

    Kristi and I are giving you the Versatile Blogger Award. Come and get it! :-)

    Teaching Little Miracles

    1. Thanks so much! I can't wait to check our your Daily 5 goodies.
      I have a posted planned for this weekend (hopefully) so I will blog about my award then. That is so sweet of you both. :)

  3. Just found you and followed! Such cute freebies! Thank you so much!

    Peace, Love, and First Grade

    1. I'm glad you liked them! I'm now your newest follower! :)
