Every year during Martin Luther King, Jr. week, my class also does Random Acts of Kindness. Our goal is normally 100 RAK's by Valentine's Day. I send home a letter to parents describing what RAK can look like at home and in the community. Then, they can send me notes any time they see their child performing a RAK. I love that parents are praising their children at home AND we also celebrate at school. When parents send the notes, we write the student's name and RAK on a heart and hang it it in the hallway.
This year, I decided to cut out a step and we're sending home 10 hearts with each student. If all students bring back all 10 hearts, we will easily surpass our goal. In my note, I also tell parents to let me know if they need extra hearts. It was one of those hard decisions for me. Am I okay with all of the hearts not being perfectly uniform? I decided yes... because I probably spent over an hour last year writing on those darn things. Plus, I think they will mean more to the students. <3
I have a really cute letter that goes along with it, but I borrowed some of the language from another sweet blogger and now I can't remember who it was. If you do a project like this, please let me know so I can give you credit!
Along with our RAK activity, I also made this new pack for MLK, Jr. week. You can find it on TpT for just $3.
Hope you enjoy! If you do download and enjoy it, please pin it! Thanks!