Along with my great students, came great parents. I can't say enough great stuff about the group of parents I have this year. I try my best to let my parents know exactly what is going on in our classroom. A month or so ago on Pinterest I found this cool pin-
Since I teach at a really small school, some of my parents know my personal cell number and I do get texts from them from time to time. However, this is a great way to send mass texts without parents seeing your phone number or the phone numbers of other parents.
I just sent home the note with my kiddos today and I already have 3 parents signed up to receive texts from me. I love technology! It's pretty easy to setup and when you register you will get an email with a PDF file to copy and send home to parents. Of course, I wanted it to be cutesie so I made my own.
Have you ever heard of Remind101? If not, you should check it out!
I also have a new favorite app. I downloaded Stick Pick a couple of weeks ago. Rarely do I pay for apps, especially not $2.99, but I took a chance on this one. I really like it. You have the ability to enter multiple classes. The idea behind this app is really simple, it randomly draws children's sticks out of a can so that you can call on them. So, what's so great about that? Well, you can set it up so that is gives you higher level thinking questions when you draw out a name. You get to pick what level of Bloom's you want for each student. Cool, huh? There is also a ESL option for all you that have ESL classrooms or students. I give it two thumbs up! Try it out!
How is your year going? Are you back to school and settled in already? I can't wait to read about it! I feel like I've been totally out of the loop this week. My darling husband works all day Saturday and Sunday which is a total bummer, but I am looking forward to catching up with all my blog friends! :)
BTW, when I showed the screen shot up I know you were dying to know what the picture was behind my open Safari screen?.
Here it is:
It makes me smile every time I see it. It's become a joke between the hubs and me. We like to make short little T-Rex arms and hug... it's fun being dorks! :)